Allison AKC Bernese Pups

February & Jesse!

Lydia playing Horsey. Koda has a very sweet temperament so does Queen her puppy!!

Adult dogs and previous pups.

Lassie was our first Bernese. She has been a good watchdog and has strong bones. She weighs 80 lbs and has her hips OFA'd good and Elbows normal.

Kota is a beautiful girl with a party/calm temperament. She has her prelims done with a good hips and normal elbows! She weighs just over 80lbs. She is 3rd generation mom at our place and named after her grandmother.

Rosie was born here and is daughter to Lassie. She is a bigger girl and weighs 90 lbs. She is a unieque Berner with a big hart and loves her owners.

Mia weighs 115 lbs! For 4 generations all her ancestors were Champions with OFA's certified Excellent. She came from Poland at 4 months. She is a whole European breed of Calm. We loved her at first sight. She is expecting her 1st litter Dec 6th 2017. Asking 2500 for her puppies.

Misty is a friendly girl. She is our third generation and is OFA'd excellent hips and normal elbows! She is DM, VWB, clear and heart certified. She weighs 90 lbs.

Bella is a frendly girl and loves to be petted. She is 95 lbs! Our first bernese, Lassie is her mother. She and meny of our girls were born here.